Tuesday, June 16, 2009

San Diego and the WORLD FAMOUS MUD RUN

Scott and I had the opportunity to fly to San Diego with some friends, Jason & Kendra Karren, to run a race called the Camp Pendleton Mud Run. It's a 6.2 mile obstacle course running up and down hills, through tunnels, over walls, through a lake, and through mud pits. It was such a blast. We got there a couple of days early so we could enjoy San Diego before the race. Here's our trip.

Scott saw this place on the Food Network on Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives just two weeks before our trip. He remembered where it was and we actually found it. It was in Ocean Beach and it lived up to our expectations.

The whole wall was full of license plates. It was a little surfing joint.

Here's Scott going after his burger....1st bite.

Look how monsterous that burger is. This is Jason Karren.

Here's a dude eating at Hodads while we were there. Kendra had to get a photo....I thought it was a good idea too. I mean...look at that hair!!!

Here's the Hodad van.

We visited the San Diego temple while we were there.

This is the McKnight family who we stayed with. They use to be in our ward here in Highlands Ranch. They were sooooo good to us.

Here's the agenda for the day.

This is where we ate.

Here's Mission beach.

Kendra and I with the Pacific Ocean in the background.

Scott and I LOVE to throw the football around at the beach.

Here's Jason and Scott playin' catch.

This is Jason and Kendra...we had a blast with them.

I tried to surf a short board...I wasn't very good. It's been too long.

Scott, Jason, & Don (Kendra's cousin's husband).

Here's them and their boards.

Here's Scott, Don, and Jason heading out to catch some waves.

We tried to get a photo of just us and we accidentally included the bum in the background...looks comfy.

Here's the pre-race photo of us. We were pumped.

Here's another pre-race photo. Dana and Ryan met up with us at the race.

Here's a little glimps of what the race was like. Here's Dana during one part of the race. She's the one the sargent is yelling at. She's wearing a blue tank top.

Post Race Photo.

Here's our whole group. Dana, Ryan, Me, Scott, Jason, & Kendra

After the race we ate at In-N-Out. We had such a great time. Hope you all can race next year. Put it on your calenders. Sign ups are January 1 and will probably close in 2 days so sign up fast.


ashleyboice said...

your travels look so delicious. Every time I watch diner's drive ins and dives I want to eat at all of the restaurants so bad. That is so awesome that you guys got to.

Katie said...

Looks like a fun trip!

Dana said...

LOVE IT!!!!!

Steph Kjelstrom said...

I heard about this race a ton when we lived in Orange County. It looks so fun, glad you guys got to do it!

Maile Fano said...

I am soooooo jealous. My sisters and I are going to do it in June of next year. I can't wait!!!! It looks like so much fun.

Team Millward said...

Oh my gosh! You guys are all awesome and crazy! I'd probably break down and cry at some dude yelling at me! Love the In N Out...aahhhhh I miss CA!!!!!

Sarah said...

oh yeah and a hOOOO rah!! to the girl who PLACED! Are any of us surprised? nope. Good on ya. Maybe we will be in next year. That's a maybe. oh - and I like the new picture of the cutie cute cute boys on your homepage.

Troy and Sue said...

Crazy, looks like you had fun though!

The Yoder's Five said...

You guys have had some awesome adventures this summer. That race seriously looks hard core. The Hawaii trip looked amazing, too! Especially because you were WITHOUT the kids!!!! Woooo!

Jodi and Josh said...

Looks like you had so much fun!
I'm envious of all your fun travels!