Monday, August 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy!!!!

There are so many reasons why we love you Daddy!!! We just got back from our trip to GG's and it reminded us of so many reason why we are so lucky to have you as our Daddy.

You always show us how to have a good time.

You always encourage us to try new things.

Then you always set us up for success and gain our confidence.

You always pick oranges at GG's for us.

And you always clean them to make sure they are safe to eat.

You even feed them to us...even if it means we might bite your finger.

You make sure we get the best part of the orange....the juice.

You always feed us well....even with a knife.

You aren't afraid to get a little sticky for that last goodness of fresh orange juice.

You always make sure we fly in the air....and we LOVE that.

Some Dad's won't let their kids eat cotton candy, but you let us and you show us how it's done!!!

You always carry us whenever we get tired.

You look so proud when you pose in photos with us. It makes us feel so loved.

You always make sure that we have water and toys whenever we are at the beach. Those buckets are just too heavy for us.

You always make sure Mommy's happy and it's fun to see you have fun with her.

You and Mommy make great kids...we're so happy you two are so happy with us...we have the best parents.

Mama says this is one of her favorite photos of you cuz you look so handsome.

We love how you can do superman. You are so good at riding those waves.

Daddy-we love you so much and you make us so happy. Thank you for taking such great care of us. We have so much fun with you and are so lucky to have you be such a great example to us. We want to be just like you someday. Thank you Daddy!!! Happy Birthday!!!!


Katie said...

Happy Birthday Scott!

You have to tell Scott that we had the Murset "Birthday Boys" party on Saturday.
Love you guys!!

Heather said...

This is one of my favorite posts Tami.. it says so much about your marriage and family. You are so happy and that makes me so happy! I'm so glad you married such a great guy! and you two really are the coolest parents.

Happy Birthday Scott and love you Tam!

KESLER KREW...Cami said...

luv all the recent updates...its been a legit summer!!! *cami
ps i owe you one!

just a mom with a camera said...

hey tami i make my pictures larger when i'm posting i go into the html and change the height and width of the pictures, as far as my layout i don't exactly remember but it was just a basic blogger layout, it had to of been easy i'm not very blog/computer friendly. and your pictures are great and your boys are so cute, i love having 3 boys!