Okay all you bloggers with thumb suckers. How do you BREAK THIS HABIT? We haven't even tried, but I know we should sometime. He's so funny. He has this monkey that he loves....actually he loves his monkey's tail. He puts the tail in his ear and sucks his thumb....it is hilarious!!! So I'll be waiting for all your comments and suggestions!
8 years ago
Good question...when you learn how let me know cause Kai loves his thumb too.
My little bro used to suck his thumb and my mom would paint his thumb with this really bad tasting stuff from the dr. Well, eventually he started to like the suff and wanted my mom to coat his thumb with it before he went to bed.
That is a tough one. I was going to suggest the painting thing... that is the only thing I know. I did grow up a friend who sucked her thumb even until kindergarten. Her mom and had spikes put in the roof of her mouth to prick her thumb when she would put it in (talk about the 80's, yikes!). Good luck on your house. That will be fun for you boys to have more space to play. Love the pics of your boys!! Dallin is getting so big!
I sucked my thumb until I was 11. It's a little embrassing I know. I turn out okay, I think! He will just stop when he is good and ready. I hope!
I forgot to mention I give my kids binki's because I can take them away when I want them to be done. I do think kids look so cute when they suck their thumbs. Good luck!
I have a thumb sucker too Tami! They say to try and not draw too much attention to it. I have casually mentioned to Mason to not suck his thumb and said yucky. I tell him big boys don't suck their thumbs. He really only sucks to go to sleep but he will hide it from me. He waits for me to go out of the room to do it. I am not that worried because both Kolby and I sucked ours until we were 5. I think school helps them stop...when they see that no one else does it.
Hmmmm. . . now I'm just throwin' out thoughts here, but maybe you could rub his thumb in dog poop. I don't think I'd suck my thumb if it tasted like doo doo. . . ;)
I had to break Maika of his thumb cause he would only suck the one thumb. It was cracking and beginning to bleed real bad, so I went to the store and got the really good bandaids that don't come off and kept them on his thumb for a couple of days until it was almost completely healed. So, it only took a coupld of days and he was switched to a binki.
Does he only suck it when he holds the monkey? Have you thought of taking away the monkey and seeing what happens? I don't know, none of my kids have done it. They wouldn't even take pacifiers for more than a month. I was dying to try and get them to take pacifiers, so they could be soothed. Opposite problem over here.
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